Dance Artist, Performer

Magnolia grew up in Parker, Colorado. By the age of four, she took her first ballet class and fell in love. She continued her dance training at Parker Dance Academy, where she studied under Shelly Williams, Corina Kinnear, and Eliza Ohman. While a student, she accepted the role of the Sugar Plum Fairy in The Nutcracker, and attended multiple summer ballet intensives with Dance Educators of America. Upon graduating high school, Magnolia has improvised for Meow Wolf, performed choreography by Chelsea Davis with Industrial Dance Alliance, and most recently found a home with Between the Bones Dance Collective in Denver. With hopes of finding dance opportunities internationally, her latest endeavor includes performing in Amsterdam for a Depression awareness conference, working under Corina Kinnear. Dancing has allowed Magnolia to truly honor the human body and process life’s many challenges. Besides performing, she would like to explore the relationship between dance and psychological well being, and eventually shift her focus to help others by exploring the art form.