earth she was quiet
Someone asked me the other day why “moovment". The funny thing is I move for a living and I did not know what the dictionary definition was. I never looked at it before. When I saw it I just loved the phonetics. First of all there is a cow mooing in the beginning of it. We should all have a cow mooing to interrupt that which gets fixed, that which has become formed and too tight. I once did a dance piece in a cow pasture and we would have to stop everything for the cows to move through and if they sh!t and they did, we definitely had to move that too. Even though this sounds crazy there was life and silliness and an ability to be open to the moment.
I am making a piece right now that emerged from no other place than from the group listening. We had no intention of what we were making and then
earth she was quiet
breathed herself into the room.
The process based on all the kinetics of my work, creating a circle of people as contributors and an act of trusting the story will unfold. I akin my process to be like the Apollo 13 mission. I just love how they took the parts inside the spacecraft that were available, making a filter that would save the astronauts lives and bring them home. I imagine these people pooling over these pieces never meant for filtration and somehow creating the filter that indeed saved their lives. I am sure those in the room were suffering from some personal story, but for one moment they set it aside and did something never done before. They did something greater than themselves. Is this dance piece going to save lives? Maybe.
Subtly, I think we all can use a good stir now and then to remind ourselves of simple ways we can connect and move each other. One thing I have learned about processes of any kind is, it’s not better means, better circumstances, better time, better people or better stuff. It is working now, right here, thoughtfully together and solving the problems in front of us. Each person creating their necessity for being there.
I know I have wandered near far with the cow and the moon & did the dish run away with the spoon? But what I mean to say most is that these acts of movement, when one joins another, whether it be grand or small, we create the passage for impossible to become possible. We create new life. There is something about all this in earth she was quiet. Perhaps it’s a movement for moovment? I can't wait to find out.