the stories that get told here

I found the Moovment House space by accident. A colleague of mine, who used to teach Music Together, told me you must see this place.  It was love at first sight. It just so happened that my daughter was already registered to attend the Waldorf preschool that is here too.  I brought my dad to see my new studio location and he told me he used to play basketball here when he was a boy with his brothers. You can still see the remnants of the lines on the floor.

I have been here now for thirteen years.  Over this time I renovated many spaces. I have added paint, new fixtures and moldings. There has always been talk to refinish the floors, but somehow I cannot bring myself to. These floors have held so much life here. I cannot tell you the number of stories that have been told upon them. So many tears have been shed and so many ideas have been destroyed and elevated. On these floors have been many unexpected hugs between strangers and friends.  There have been accidents, bumps and splinters, unforgettable entrances and exits, stunning and evocative movement, and countless steps of feet and hands. Here we have mourned, created and celebrated. 

Of this past week, I can say all of this and more happened here. This has been giving me a moment to pause and say thank you to everyone for being here. Thank you for bringing your hearts, hands and feet into the space. Thank you for arriving in with the leaves as we change and fall, create and become. It is my dream and hope to create such an alive place. Every day you are here, you improve the quality of the life that is here for all of us. Many thanks!

Mary Lynn Lewark